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“some great pieces of writing were shared and it was a brilliant workshop from start to finish” 

- The Independent 


I work with organisations to imaginatively engage their audiences, both in person and digitally. I design and deliver inspiring and reflective participatory experiences rooted in my own creative practice with enthusiasm and flexibility. 


Using my deep knowledge of the creative process and purposeful reflective practices, I upskill teams in their creativity and communication skills. My workshops are usefully challenging, carefully held, and highly relevant. 

“The academy attendees really enjoyed your session and were buzzing afterwards.  The exercises you introduced were perfect and got them all thinking about their work in new and creative ways. Thank you!”  

- Imperial College London 

I am a facilitator and mentor on Make Waves, an eight-month Creative Career Training Programme for 18–25-year-olds in Medway from Ideas Test. 


From a place of empathy, safety, and authenticity, I lead sessions designed to support people in reflective and change processes. I also host playful and meaningful social events!


I hold safe and brave spaces for creativity, communication, and authenticity.

“Dan is a wonderful facilitator and I really appreciated the inspiring atmosphere of openness and creativity. The practices he offered helped me to connect more deeply with the power of the written word and its potential to communicate deep experiences.”

- participant, The Journal Circle 

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